
Configuration is provided through a collection of environment variables. These can be set on the host itself or defined in docker/.env.

Creating your configuration file

Copy the relevant .env.dist to .env.

cp docker/.env.dist docker/.env

Configuration You Must Set

Things are not going to work nicely if you don’t set these.

The path on the host for MySQL to store data.

Set this to any writable directory that already exists. Do not set this to /var/lib/mysql if your host is running a MySQL instance.

This must be set before installing.

Configuration You Should Set

Things will work if you don’t set these, however setting is recommended as some of these values are sensitive.

Port to expose for the application. Set to any suitable unused port number.
The root password for the MySQL instance. Set to any value and forget about it.

This must be set before installing if you want to set it.

DB user for the application to use. Set to any value and forget about it.

This must be set before installing if you want to set it.

DB password for the application to use. Set to any value and forget about it.

This must be set before installing if you want to set it.

Username for the rabbit-mq service. Set to any meaningful value.

This must be set before installing if you want to set it.

Password for the rabbit-mq service. Set to any meaningful value.

This must be set before installing if you want to set it.

Configuration You Can Optionally Set

Set these if you like, things will work just fine if you don’t.

Number of parallel message consumers. Defaults to 1. Ideally set higher.
Private token used within the application. Set to whatever you like.
Used to limit the host names allowed in callback URLs. Defaults to * which allows all host names.
Timeout in seconds for when retrieving HTTP resources. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Set to any positive integer. Set to 0 for no timeout (probably a bad idea).

Name of the application database.

This must be set before installing if you want to set it.

DB user for the application.

This must be set before installing if you want to set it.

Exposed port of the rabbit-mq management interface.
Port to expose for httpbin when using the dev configuration. Defaults to 7000.