Request-Response Cycle

Your application requests a resource.

This request includes the url of the resource you want to retrieve, the callback URL where you want the resource to be sent when it has been retrieved and, optionally, a set of headers to be sent with the retrieval request.

The response you receive includes a json-encoded string. That’s the request ID. You’ll want to make a note of that somewhere.

+--------------+                                                            +--------------+
|              |                                                            |              |
|              | POST http://localhost:8001/                                |              |
|              | url=                                    |              |
|              | callback=                      |              |
|              | headers={                                                  |              |
|              |     "User-Agent":"Chrome, honest"                          |              |
|              | }                                                          |              |
|              | parameters={                                               |              |
|              |     "cookies": {                                           |              |
|              |     }                                                      |              |
|              | }                                                          |              |
|              |                                                            |              |
|              |                                                            |              |
|              |                                                            | Asynchronous |
| Your         |                                                            | HTTP         |
| application  | +--------------------------------------------------------> | retriever    |
|              |                                                            |              |
|              |                                                            |              |
|              |                                                            |              |
|              |                                                            |              |
|              |                       HTTP 200 OK                          |              |
|              |                       Content-Type: application/json       |              |
|              |                                                            |              |
|              |                       "118e35f631be802c41bec5c9dfb0f415"   |              |
|              | <--------------------------------------------------------+ |              |
+--------------+                                                            +--------------+

Your request to retrieve a resource has been put into a queue. The request will probably be handled quite quickly but not instantly. Some time will pass before your request has completed.

… let’s wait. Something will happen eventually …

Your request completed and was successful. That’s good.

A json-encoded response object is sent in a POST request to the callback URL that you specified in your request.

+-------------+                                                             +--------------+
|             |                     POST       |              |
|             |                     {                                       |              |
|             |                       "request_id": "118e35f631be802c41b…", |              |
|             |                       "status": "success",                  |              |
|             |                       "headers": {                          |              |
|             |                         "content-type": "text/html;"        |              |
| Your        |                       },                                    |              |
| callback    |                       "content": "PGRvY3R5cGUgaHRtbD4="     | Asynchronous |
| handler     |                     }                                       | HTTP         |
|             |                                                             | Retriever    |
|             | <---------------------------------------------------------+ |              |
+-------------+                                                             +--------------+